Dedicated to Aircraft Accident Investigation and Improving Air Safety


We provide services to aviation insurance companies, law firms, aviation/aerospace companies, educational institutions, and professional organizations

We specialize in detailed and complex accident and wreckage reconstruction, which includes ...
Airframe and powerplant systems failure analysis
Flight path analysis and performance
Component/system ground and flight testing
In-flight breakups and mid-air collisions
Crashworthiness and survivability
In-flight and post-impact fires
Explosion analysis
Aircraft maintenance issues
Federal regulations, airworthiness standards, and certification requirements
Aircraft support vehicles and equipment accidents
Interactions between person/machine/environment
Drones/unmanned aerial vehicles
Air safety education and research
Patent infringement issues

We understand both the science and art of aircraft accident investigation (AAI), and that most crashes and failures don't conveniently come with "black boxes." In other words, along with satisfying scientific methodologies, a unique blend of actual "hands-on" engineering, maintenance, piloting, and field investigation experience is required to (i) effectively piece together all available evidence concerning the person, machine, and environment; (ii) know how to "read" the wreckage; (iii) be innovative and creative enough to affordably analyze or test for potential causes and contributing factors within a reasonable timeframe; and (iv) clearly articulate what happened in a way that's easy to understand. Years of being both true aviators and teachers make us very effective experts.
In addition to our comprehensive AAI services, we offer AAI training and research to colleges, professional associations, and aviation companies. We've provided these services to Wichita State University's Aerospace Engineering Department, Boeing, National Institute of Aviation Research (Wichita, KS), Lewis University's Aviation Department (Romeoville, IL), Professional Aircraft Maintenance Association, Capitol Technology University (Laurel, MD), and SAE Aerospace International. Similar to conducting an AAI, teaching isn't a job to us ... it's a passion.

2118 N. Tyler, Bldg. B, Suite 102
Wichita, Kansas 67212